Children's Furniture for Healthy and Safe Environments: Miniature Beds…

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Stool S/M DBV-505-FD-01-01 / De Breuyn. Image Courtesy of De Breuyn Stool S/M DBV-505-FD-01-01 / De Breuyn. Image Courtesy of De Breuyn

Reminiscing on his childhood, Peter Zumthor once said: “Memories like these contain the deepest architectural experience that I know. They are the reservoirs of the architectural atmospheres and images that I explore in my work as an architect.” These words allude to a fundamental concept behind kid friendly-design: everything we encounter in the first years of our lives, including architecture, can have a great impact on our future perspective of the world. When spaces are designed according to children’s specific needs, they stimulate their physical and mental well-being, as well as boosting autonomy, self-esteem and socialization skills. Therefore, architects have the responsibility to ensure that kids live, play and learn in environments that contribute to their long-term healthy development.

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