Concrete, Wood, Steel and Glass: How to Choose the Material of a Stair…

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© Hufton+Crow, Stijn Poelstra, Dylan Perrenoud, Adrián Vásquez © Hufton+Crow, Stijn Poelstra, Dylan Perrenoud, Adrián Vásquez

Most of us use stairways every day, but few times do we stop to contemplate their design or put much thought into their function. With their steps, treads and railing, they are easily one of the most fundamental architectural elements in any home. Apart from providing a safe, simple and easy access from one floor to another, it is through staircases that architects create unique spatial forms and strong visuals. From afar, one can observe people moving up and down repeatedly; from within, the user is treated to new angles and ways to perceive a space. Therefore, a good staircase is more than just a means of vertical circulation. Through its might and scale, it can become the protagonist of a space – a design focal point that rises to the level of art.

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