The Aestheticisation of Inequality: Contrasting Landscapes on the Peri…

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Tianguis en la periferia de la Ciudad de México. Image © Alex González / Dronalexmx Tianguis en la periferia de la Ciudad de México. Image © Alex González / Dronalexmx

The region we know today as the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico (ZMVM) has had a continuous and dynamic occupation for more than 4,000 years. Archaeological and anthropological evidence reveals the presence of complex human societies on the banks of the lake basin, starting with Tlatilco and Cuicuilco in the Preclassic period, passing through Teotihuacan in the Classic period, and culminating with the different urban centres of Nahua affiliation in the Postclassic period, with the cities of Mexico Tenochtitlan-Tlatelolco, as well as Texcoco, Azacapotzalco, Iztapalapa and Chalco, among many others, undoubtedly standing out.

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