2019 ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards: The Finalists

베라하우스 0 1163

2019 has been an unprecedented year for ArchDaily’s Building of the Year Awards.

But before we get to shortlisted nominees, we want to emphasize the values embodied by this awards process. As the world’s largest platform for architecture we are acutely aware of our responsibility to the profession, and to the advancement of architecture as a discipline. Since our mission is directly related to the architecture of the future—in inspiring and educating the global community of architects who will design the urban fabric of the future—the trust placed in us by our readers to reflect architectural trends from regions around the whole world creates challenges that we are eager to rise to. The democratically-voted, user-centered Building of the Year Awards is one of the key pillars of our response to these challenges, aiming to tear down established hierarchies and geographical barriers.

By participating in the process, the ArchDaily community decides what it means to push architecture forward. So without further ado, these are the most inspiring building, according to ArchDaily readers.

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